
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Newsworthy Approach

After reading Seyda Muratova’s blog response on a news story covering a bullying case something was brought to my attention. Currently, bullying is a largely discussed and debated topic. I thought to myself,” What are news organizations doing to help widespread issues?” Then I realized something… It’s not the news organizations job to create awareness for an issue. One thing that is there job is to report on issues that have a large and long lasting impact. So where is the line drawn? At what point and who decides what social issues should be published in news outlets? I would like to learn more about these perspective news stories in class. My best guest at how these stories become newsworthy is through the way they are covered. I would like to learn the different types of coverage styles and the approaches we can take as journalist.

Link to Seyda Muratova’s blog:

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