
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Response to Sydney B.'s and Desha H.'s Blog

On Tuesday, November 12th, 2013, the students of the white day J1 class had their graded media critiques returned to them.  Personally, I felt I did well on my critique except for a few grammar mistakes. While writing my critique I had a little trouble formulating descriptive support for my thesis because I was not one-hundred percent on the meaning of each principle and yardstick of journalism that we studied the first six weeks.
                On their blog, Sydney Blocker and Desha Horton (who responded to Sydney’s post) had similar claims. Of course, I have a general idea of each principle and yardstick but not a truly in-depth understand. I believe that such an understanding of these concepts is essential for excelling in this class, magnet, and business. I wish that we could study these concepts as a side unit more vigorously.
                One thing I did to learn to nine principles and seven yardsticks of journalism better was check out a book from the school library called “Journalism Ethics”. This book did not have all the same topics and still did not go in-depth as much as I feel I need. It did classify some issues that I had, so to you fellow J1 students who are having trouble it may be worth checking out. 

Sydney Blocker's Blog:
Desha Horton's Blog: 

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